We often pass by them without noticing their presence.
They are silent houses encompassed by sleepy villages.
They stand there on the side of the road or a short distance away in the background.
Or they lie at the edge of a forest or at the foot of a mountain, surrendered to the power of nature.
Or beleaguered by other haughty and arrogant dwellings.
These are the abandoned, uninhabited houses.

Thus began our adventure, from the desire to revive abandoned houses or transform our owned houses to offer them, after a careful and careful make-up, to tourists looking for glam atmospheres and places in which to restore themselves.

Since 2019, my husband Enzo and I (Laura), have been devoting ourselves to the recovery of some properties and have founded the OURITALIANHOMES with which we propose SHORT RENTAL.I in locations where you can have all-around experiences: from wine and food tours among dreamy vineyards to visits to cities rich in charm and with an important historical past, without forgetting winter sports that can be practiced in enchanting settings.

In Nizza Monferrato, a Unesco heritage town in the province of Asti, we propose two modern and independent housing solutions: Verde apartment and the Bronzo apartment.
The decision to use colors to distinguish the apartments was born with the intention of harmonizing the environments starting from a precise color choice. Each color stimulates the human mind by producing a certain state of mind, and we hope that the Guests can appreciate the atmosphere we have wished to create by following a common thread well

Watchword for restoration and staging: GREEN!
In addition to comfort, we decided to combine attention to consumption and support for Made in Italy, an inseparable combination in our apartments.